
Japanese people

Why is your Japanese girlfriend cheating

You possibly could have a positive impression towards Japanese girls who sensitively care about you and frequently show...
Japanese people

eHarmony Cost, Pros and Cons

Are you one person possibly searching on the Internet at night and feeling like you want to have a real girlfriend? ...
Japanese people

“JapanCupid” to meet a real Japanese partner

Would you like to have a genuine relationship with a Japanese woman? If you are living in your country outside of Ja...
Japanese people

Japanese boyfriend problems

Are you currently crushing on a Japanese man? Japanese men are usually shy and do not tell their opinions much and y...
Japanese people

Real Japanese wives (secrets they hide)

If you have a Japanese wife (or a girlfriend), you might wonder whether she has some secrets which she never shares wit...
Japanese people

Lonely Japanese housewife

If you have a Japanese friend who is a housewife and she seems not happy recently, how could you support or encourage h...
Japanese people

Japanese women who seek men

You might find that Japanese women are relatively quiet than other foreign ladies, and have an image that they are hard...