Are Japanese women good wives?

Japanese people

If you are currently in a relationship with a Japanese woman, you might be wondering if she is going to be a good wife or not.
Or if you have a son and he is in a relationship with a Japanese woman, you might wonder if he is having a good choice or not.

Also, you could be concerned about whether Japanese women often continue to work or concerned about the Japanese divorce ratio.

I’d like to cover the following matters in this article.

  • Are Japanese women good woves
  • Typical tendencies of Japanese wife
  • Do Japanese ladies work even after marriage
  • Divorce ratio in Japan

After reading this article I hope you will understand overall Japanese women’s tendencies and keep a good relationship with them.


Let me introduce myself a little. I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here. I write this article through my experience with my Japanese wife and other ladies who I met in the past.

Are Japanese women good wives

I am afraid I cannot decide whether Japanese wives are good in this article because there are too wide variety of Japanese ladies in Japan.

I have a Japanese wife and I haven’t regretted to get married so far, and that could be because I am also a Japanese.

However, there are certain tendencies Japanese ladies have and I’d like to share some of them.

Typical tendencies of Japanese wife

I’d like to share Japanese wives tendency.

They don’t tell their opinions well

Japanese ladies tend not to tell their opinions well and they are rather understanding of other people’s suggestions, ideas, or opinions.
This is because of Japanese people’s tendency to a collectivistic culture (understanding situations is more important rather than expressing themselves in Japan).
Furthermore, from a long time ago, there have been Japanese traditional thoughts that a man should lead a woman and she should trust and follow him.
Of course, that traditional way of thinking is gradually disappearing but not telling much of their opinions is still considered positively among them.

Even after getting married, many Japanese women are not often good at expressing their opinions.

Sensitive about their appearance

Japanese ladies are quite sensitive about their appearance and they usually make up and care about their hairstyle and body shape even when they go out to a convenience store near their home.
It is also part of etiquette that Japanese ladies make up when they work.
My wife also make up every day regardless of going out or not.

Often compare with other ladies

Japanese ladies often choose their clothes to buy not on their own preference but on the same group members’ opinions, or trends.
They are sensitive not to being odd people in their belonging group.
From non-Japanese people’s view, Japanese ladies’ outfits could be fashionable but lack individuality.

The above tendency reflects the Japanese collectivistic culture and they could wish to be accepted by a certain group or society rather than expressing their desire.

After getting married and having their own kids, the relationship with other parents (such as meeting at a kindergarten) are usually inevitable and possibly be influenced by them easily.

Care too much

Japanese women tend to care too much. Since understanding situations are important in Japan so Japanese women also tend to notice any small matters and try to care for others.

For instance, if you have a meal together with Japanese women, they try to pour your empty glass and dish out food for everybody.

After getting married, they could be concerned about many small things such as what to give to their mother-in-law for Mother’s Day.

Control anger

Japanese women tend to suppress their anger even if they are furious with their husbands or their mothers-in-law because Japanese are not used to expressing their anger to others.

So you don’t possibly notice easily that they are angry even if they could cry inside their hearts.

My wife is also such kind of person and she is often stressed about me but she doesn’t claim instantly.

But as a reaction to that patience for a long period, she sometimes suddenly burst into tears and be furious at me.

Do Japanese ladies work even after marriage

In the past, after getting married most Japanese ladies quit working and engage in housework and childcare.
Based on the poll done by the ministry in Japan, the percentage of housewives was 64% in 1980 and it significantly dropped since then.
Now the percentage of working wives is 69% in 2021 and the majority of ladies somehow continue working.

But still 31% of wives become Japanese housewives, and there are some ladies who saw their mothers becoming housewives and want to be like their mothers freed from working.

If you are interested in Japanese housewives culture, please refer to the below article.

The divorce ratio in Japan

There is a saying in Japan that marriage is a kind of the biggest gamble in your life.

If you have conflict with your current Japanese girlfriend or wife, you could be worried about a future possible divorce.

According to the Ministry of Japan, the number of marriages was 501,116, and the number of divorces was 184,386 in 2021. The divorce rate calculated based on this result is 1.50 (per 1,000 population).

The rate is actually low if you compare with other countries such as the US (2.90) or South Korea (2.10).

I consider that many Japanese women are rather patient and they don’t usually take a risk of damaging their own and their families lives.


The number of divorces is low in Japan but there are still certain numbers of people divorcing and the reasons of Japanese women divorce is as follows.

The reason of Japanese women divorce
1stMismatch of characteristics
2ndUnpaying living expense
3rdPsychological abuse
7thSpending too much money
9thDisregarding family
10thSexually incompatible

Again the ratio of Japanese divorce is low but above those reasons some women decide to divorce.

Japanese women tend not to tell their opinions much, but you probably could initiate to listen to her complaint or opinions periodically to realise what they are facing.


In this article, I introduced whether Japanese women are good wives and hope you understand their overall tendencies and have a good relationship with them.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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