Japanese unfaithful wife

Japanese people

If you have a Japanese wife (girlfriend) who loves going out with somebody else frequently, you might worry about whether she would cheat on you.

Or if your Japanese wife’s recent behaviour is strange such as doing housework lazily or sending a text message to someone frequently, you could also be worried whether she is currently dating somebody else.

In this article, I will cover the following matters regarding unfaithful Japanese wives.

  • The ratio of an unfaithful wives in Japan
  • The tendency of an unfaithful wife
  • Checklist of Japanese wives cheating
  • Countermeasure for their cheating

After reading this article I hope you understand the tendency of Japanese unfaithful wives and counter for those who cheat on you.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand overall Japanese culture.

The ratio of an unfaithful wives in Japan

The definition of an “unfaithful wife” is a wife having a sexual relationship or experience with a person who is not her husband or usual sexual partner,

and you might wonder the ratio of unfaithful wives in Japan.

Based on the poll done by Japan sex survey (Questionnaires were answered by 5,029 people in 2020), 46.3% of Japanese women had experienced cheating on their lovers or spouses (having intercourse with affair partners).

In contrast, 57.9% of Japanese men have that experience.

I am afraid the percentage includes single women and working women, but you might feel surprised to see the percentage.

Reference: https://www.jfpa.or.jp/pdf/sexservey2020/JexSexSurvey_all.pdf

The tendency of an unfaithful wife

It is not appropriate to stereotypically judge the characteristics of ladies, but there seems a certain tendency for unfaithful wives and I’d like to share some.

Reference: https://ricon-pro.com/columns/321/

Love showy and flashy clothes

Unfaithful wives tend to love showy and flashy outfits and those wives also love drinking, partying and going out with an attractive man and it could be a chance to cheat.

Men also consider that showy and flashy women could easily follow the men’s suggestions.

Get lonely easily

Wives who get lonely easily tend to cheat on their husbands if their husbands are busy working and don’t have time to communicate or have physical contact with their wives.

Japanese husbands tend to have a lot of overtime work depending on their company culture.

Since they get lonely easily, they would often go out with their friends and have a chance to see another possible partner.

Love drinking

If the wives love drinking, they could often participate in Nomikai (Japanese-style drinking party) and meet new people and also see affair partner candidate.

If the wives are drunk, they could possibly be open-minded and could forgive physical contact from another man.

Used to be popular with men

The wives who used to be popular with men when they were young want to be treated as a lady again.

Especially, if they got married earlier than usual, they wanted to enjoy the young period more but they missed the opportunity, so they are likely to cheat in the end.

Be easily influenced

The wives who are easily influenced by others could likely cheat.

They don’t possibly have any intention of cheating from the begining, but if they find other wives cheat or if you get flirted by an attractive man, they are influenced by those surroundings and could possibly end up cheating.

Don’t think about risk

Even though the wives are asked to go out with another man, most of them could refuse it because they have the sense of self-control.

After cheating, you are likely to get divorced, have negative effect of your kids’ education, pay compensation, etc.

Considering all the risks and still deciding to cheat, those wives somehow lack self control sense.

Checklist of wives cheating

If you are currently worried about your wife cheating, please refer to the below checklist to check whether she is cheating.

Her recent behaviour Yes/No
1Show unfriendly attitude
2Sigh frequently
3Don’t show affection
4Never say loving you
5Feel psychological distance from her
6Emotional instable
7Looks tired often
8Think about something often
9Stay at her own room often
10Be in a good mood often
11Be fashionable and sexy
12Hide her schedule
13Hide her neckline and neck
14Make suspicious behaviour

If there are more than 5 yes, you could possibly doubt her cheating behaviour.

Reference: Cheating investigation quest

Countermeasure for their cheating

If you notice your wife cheating, you should gather evidence of cheating as much as possible in either case of continuing the relationship or breaking up with her because she could deny her illicit behaviour if you try to check.

If you wish to get divorced or charge her compensation, you need to collect evidence of her adultery such as the following.

  • The receipt of love hotel (hotel for couples for short stays)
  • A photo of her and an affair partner entering a love hotel or his house

It is quite difficult to collect the above evidence such as sneakily following their dating or stakeout, so hiring a detective could be a choice.


In this article, I introduced unfaithful Japanese wives and the tendency of them.

I hope it will be helpful if you have any relationship with Japanese ladies.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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