Do Japanese date foreigner

Japanese people

If you are crushing on a Japanese woman/man, you could be wondering whether she/he dates you as a foreigner.

Japanese people tend not to tell their opinion well being rather shy, but show friendly smiley faces and I understand some of you could be attracted to them.

However, if the Japanese girl/boy you like only prefers to date Japanese, you could possibly need to give up approaching her/him.

Then, you might wonder whether Japanese people date foreigners.

In this article, I cover the following matters.

  • Do Japanese want to date foreigner
  • Which nationalities Japanese are interested in
  • The reasons Japanese like foreigners
  • The reasons Japanese don’t like to date foreigners
  • Where to meet future Japanese partner

After reading it I hope you will understand Japanese people’s tendency towards international love relationships and have successful relationships with her/him.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand overall Japanese way of thinking.

Do Japanese want to date foreigner

First of all you might be wondering how many Japanese are interested in dating foreigner.

Based on a poll done by “DeNA Travel” answered by 1,723 Japanese men/women from the 10s to 70s in 2017, the answer is as follows.

Interested in international marriage or not (percentage)MenWomen Total
Very interested16.5%22.9%19.7%
No idea29.7%25.8%27.7%
Not interested9.5%6.2%8.1%
Not at all7.6%6.5%7.0%
Already married with foreigner12.4%9.9%11.1%

It is a little old research, but you can know that overall 46% of Japanese people are interested in international marriage.

Which nationalities Japanese are interested in

Now you are wondering which nationalities Japanese are interested.

In the same poll, which nationality/area of foreigners Japanese people want to date is also described as follows.

Nationality/area Japanese men are most interested inPercentage
The US mainland5.6%
885 men answered

Japanese men tend to like Asians and neighbouring countries people according to the poll.

The result of Japanese women is as follows.

Nationality/area Japanese women are most interested inPercentage
The US mainland13.4%
Australia 3.7%
818 women answered

If your country is not listed on above and feel sad, don’t worry, this is a survey and I consider they just answered instantly without thinking deeply.

Also, this survey was done in 2017, and different results could come if we do research again now.

The reason Japanese like foreigners

There are several reasons why the Japanese want to date foreigners.

Japanese couples express affection less

We Japanese people usually don’t express affection between Japanese couples and some of them feel tedious.
In Japan, people are not good at telling their opinion, and especially Japanese men tend to be too shy to tell their partner that they love the partner and many ladies feel disappointed.

If you express love to your Japanese partner they feel really happy because it doesn’t often happen between couples in Japan.

Good opportunity to learn a foreign language

Some Japanese consider it is a good opportunity to learn a foreign language if dating a foreigner.

There are fewer foreigners living in Japan compared with other countries and most Japanese people communicate with Japanese people by using the Japanese language in their homes, school and workplace and actually the opportunity to speak foreign language is limited in Japan.

For them it could be a good environment to train a foreign language if they date foreigner.

Interact with different cultures and sense of value

Some Japanese prefer to date foreigners for the interaction of different culture and sense of value.

Dating the same Japanese sometimes lacks stimulation and feels boring and some Japanese like to seek stimulation when finding a foreign partner.

The reason Japanese don’t like to date foreigners

There are also 18.1% of Japanese people don’t want to date foreigners according to the above survey and the possible reasons are as follows.

Don’t have interest to foreign culture

Japanese people who don’t have interest to foreign countries don’t want to date foreigner either.

There are a certain number of Japanese people who only love eating Japanese food, only love to live in Japan and only love to date Japanese

and if that kind of person goes to another country, the person could be sick easily (maybe food or water is not suited) and cannot survive.

Those people seems not suited to date foreigners.

Sense of value is too different

Some Japanese could think that foreigners’ sense of value seems totally different and consider it is not good to date foreigners.

If the sense of value is different, they could misunderstand each other frequently and often fight and language barriers could be the biggest obstacle.

For example, Japanese people tend to make non-verbal communication often to notify their partner for help with housework, childcare, etc, but usually, foreigners never understand their true intentions and it could be a reason for conflict.

Long distance

Some Japanese think long distance is too many obstacles to having a relationship with a foreigner.

For example, some international couples are currently in a long-distance relationship and it could cost a lot to just meet up,

and even after getting married, going back to their parent’s home costs a lot as well.

The procedure of marriage is troublesome

If Japanese get married to foreigners, there are a lot of procedures for marriage such as submission of a lot of documents, deciding which nationality to choose, etc.
and after the marriage, there are a lot of irregular matters such as following the partners country’s custom, tradition, religious beliefs, make appropriate relationship with partners family, relatives, friends, etc.

Marriage is not two persons matter, and there are a lot of things and people involved and some Japanese don’t want to have such tasks.

Where to meet future Japanese partner

Some of you might wonder where to meet Japanese as a future partner.

According to the above same survey of DeNA Travel in 2017, answered by 862 Japanese people who had experience of dating with a foreigner, the trigger of encountering foreign dating partner was as follows.

Trigger of meeting foreign partnerPercentage
Job related relationship25.1%
Introduced by friend21.1%
Study abroad / homestay12.8%

The best place for Japanese people to find foreign partner is in a workplace according to the above research.
Likewise, if you come to Japan to work, you might have a good opportunity to meet a future Japanese partner.

If you are a student and interested in dating with Japanese, you could also consider studying abroad in Japan.

Also, there are some people who find a foreign partner through internet.

One of my Taiwanese friends found a Japanese girlfriend through Hellotalk (a language exchange app).


In this article, I introduced whether Japanese people date foreigners and hope the above information is useful if you are thinking about dating foreigner.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.

Would you like to seek a genuine Japanese or international partner? If so, “JapanCupid” could be the choice. I hope your life turns into a happy and sweet married life started by clicking this.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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