eHarmony Cost, Pros and Cons

Japanese people

Are you one person possibly searching on the Internet at night and feeling like you want to have a real girlfriend?

If you are single and looking for an international partner, I suggest you will take a new action and join the dating site eHarmony could be one of the choices.

In this article, I will cover the following matters regarding the dating website eHarmony.

  • What is eHarmony
  • Pros and Cons
  • Membership and cost

After reading it, I hope you will find if Harmony is an appropriate tool to find your future partner or not and make a new step for your future sweet and happy married life.

What is eHarmony

eHarmony is a dating website to provide long-term love relationships among singles.


It was established in 1998 and currently, there are members from more than 150 countries and it provides services in the US, Australia, Canada, UK, and Brazil.

The service was started in 2000 and a total of 33 million members are acquired and 542 people got married in the US through this website per day.

How it work

To be a member of eHarmony, it is required to answer a lot of questions regarding yourself such as characteristic, belief, sense of value, healthy emotions, interpersonal skills, etc. which were considered by psychologists.

Based on the information, the website diagnostic algorithm will search for the most fitting partner, so it could creates a twice higher degree of marriage satisfaction than normal couples.

Pros and Cons

I’d like to introduce the pros and cons of eHarmony.


  • The website is targeting the singles who seek a genuine and serious partner which lead to marriage.
  • By using a special algorithm system made by psychologists, you can automatically find the most suitable partner.
  • The system will suggest the candidates of your suited partner, so you don’t waist of your time choosing unfitting singles.
  • You possibly can find an international partner (If you’d like to meet a foreign partner, this global dating website could be one of the best.)


  • You are required to answer so many detailed questions before signing up this website. If your native language is not English, it is much more hectic task.
  • You cannot search to find partners by yourself but you can only take contact with the persons suggested by this website.
  • There could possibly be less or no matched singles from the beginning.
  • Membership fee is higher than other dating websites.

If you are interested to join Harmony, please check the below link.

Get Meaningful Connections

Membership and cost

You can start from free membership (basic membership) and what you can do based on membership status is as follows.

Register and make profileFree
SearchNot possible
(Communicate with matched persons only)
Check matched persons profile (No photo)Free
Check matched person’s photoPremium
Exchange messages with matched personsPremium

Also the cost of premium membership (US) is as follows.

Membership typeLengthCost
Premium Light6 months$69.9 per month
Premium Plus12 months$49.9 per month
Premium Extra24 months$39.9 per month
The cost is in August 2023 and it varies if it is a campaign period.


In this article, I introduced the dating website eHarmony and hope you understand how it works and also hope you will find ideal partner and have sweet and lively married life.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.

If you are interested in eHarmony, please refer to below link.

Get Deeply Matched with Singles Based on 29 Dimensions

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