Japanese girlfriends tendencies

Japanese people

You could have an image that Japanese girls are rather polite, kind and quiet, but if you actually face Japanese girls, you might wonder what kind of real tendencies they have and wonder whether dating a Japanese girl is the best for you or not.

You could possibly be concerned whether a Japanese girl could be the best partner to spend together for the rest of your life.

In this article, I cover the following matters.

  • The tendency of a Japanese girlfriend
  • The negative tendency of Japanese girls
  • How to meet a Japanese girl

After reading it, I hope you will understand the overall tendency of Japanese girlfriends and hope you may decide whether Japanese girls are suited for dating or not.

The tendency of a Japanese girlfriend

As you possibly imagine there are a lot of tendencies of Japanese girlfriends.


Japanese girls tend not to tell their opinions well and they are rather understanding of other people’s suggestions, ideas, or opinions.
This is because of Japanese people’s tendency to a collectivistic culture (understanding situations is more important rather than expressing themselves in Japan).

Careful to others

Japanese girls could possibly be more careful about other people than other countries’ girls.

For example, they tend to cook for lunch/dinner to serve their boyfriends. Some Japanese traditionally consider cooking as the lady’s role and many ladies initiate cooking. (This old way of thinking is gradually decreased though)

Or they are dedicated to taking care of their boyfriends who are sick.

Not complain easily

Japanese girlfriends don’t often complain about their boyfriend’s behaviour or decisions.
From a long time ago, there have been Japanese traditional thoughts that a man should lead a woman and she should trust and follow him.
Of course, that traditional way of thinking is also gradually disappearing but not telling much of their opinions is still considered positive among them.

The negative tendency of Japanese girls

After reading above description, you could find how attractive Japanese girlfriends are, but there are also negative parts about Japanese girls.

Sensitive about their appearance

Japanese girls are quite sensitive about their appearance and they usually make up and care about their hairstyle and body shape even when they go out to a convenience store near their home.
It is also part of etiquette that Japanese ladies make up when they work.
I met a Japanese lady when I was in New Zealand in 2018, who felt relieved when she worked in another country because she didn’t need to care about make-up or her outfit when she went out.

Often compare with other ladies

Japanese ladies often choose their clothes to buy not on their own preference but on the same group members’ opinions, or trends.
They are sensitive not to being odd people in their belonging group.
From non-Japanese people’s view, Japanese ladies’ outfits could be fashionable but lack individuality.

The above tendency reflects the Japanese collectivistic culture and they could wish to be accepted by a certain group or society rather than expressing their desire.

What they speak and real intention is different

Japanese people usually don’t like to tell true intentions and tend to tell opinions based on what other people expect to hear, so if you date a Japanese girl you sometimes feel puzzled what her true intention is.

For instance, if you give any present to a Japanese girl, you possibly cannot know whether she really likes this present or not based on her reaction. She could possibly discard or sell this present at a pawnshop and you possibly never know the truth.

Love being in a group

Many Japanese girls don’t like to be alone and rather wish to be in a group.

We Japanese consider being alone is lonely and sad, many Japanese girls in a school go to wash room together with friends or go to other lecture rooms together.

If you have a Japanese girlfriend, you should know that she prefer to do anything together with you such as cooking together, joining any activity together, etc.

How to meet a Japanese girl

Some of you might wonder where to meet Japanese girl as a future partner.

According to the survey of DeNA Travel in 2017, answered by 862 Japanese people who had experience of dating with a foreigner, the trigger of encountering foreign dating partner was as follows.

Trigger of meeting foreign partnerPercentage 
Job related relationship25.1%
Introduced by friend21.1%
Study abroad / homestay12.8%

The best place for Japanese people to find foreign partner is in a workplace according to the above research.
Likewise, if you come to Japan to work, you might have a good opportunity to meet a future Japanese partner.

If you are a student and interested in dating with Japanese, you could also consider studying abroad in Japan.

Also, there are some people who find a foreign partner through the internet.

“JapanCupid” provides you with genuine dating opportunities with a Japanese girl.

Please refer to the below article as well for more information.


In this article I introduced the tendency of Japanese girlfriends and hope you understand whether they suit you as a future partner or not.

Of course, each Japanese girl has different characteristics and what I introduced was the typical tendencies only.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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