Japanese housewife affair

Japanese people

If you have a Japanese housewife, you could possibly wonder whether they cheat on you.

If your wife is recently strange texting somebody else frequently and has a cold attitude toward you, you could think her cheating.

However, you could wonder why your Japanese housewife who could be faithful and dedicating housework and childcare cheated on you.

In this article, I will cover the following matters.

  • The ratio of Japanese women’s affair
  • The reason for Japanese housewife affair
  • Trigger of housewife cheating
  • Signs of their cheating
  • Countermeasure for their affair
  • How to stop her from cheating

After reading this article, I hope you will understand what your housewife thinking through her cheating behaviours and counter it.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand overall Japanese culture.

If you are divorced and seeking a genuine international partner, “NextLove” could be the choice. (No cheating is allowed in this dating app)

The ratio of Japanese women’s affair

Based on the poll done by Japan sex survey (Questionnaires were answered by 5,029 people in 2020), 46.3% of Japanese women had experienced cheating on their lovers or spouses (having intercourse with affair partners).

In contrast, 57.9% of Japanese men have that experience.

I am afraid the percentage includes single women and working women, but you might feel surprised to see the percentage.

Reference: https://www.jfpa.or.jp/pdf/sexservey2020/JexSexSurvey_all.pdf

The reason for Japanese housewife affair

There are a lot of reasons why Japanese housewife cheats and I’d like to tell several of those.

Want to have stimulation

Being housewives, they are having almost similar routines every day doing housework and childcare.

Especially since they have more free time when their kids start to go to kindergarten/school, it could be a timing seeking some stimulating experiences.

At that time, if they find an attractive man, they could be excited which they didn’t experience for a long period and could end up start cheating.

Revenge to their husbands

Some ladies cheat as a result of their husbands cheating first.

As the percentage shows, Japanese men tend to cheat more than women and the cheated wives also feel lacking a sense of guilt and they could end up cheating.

Dissatisfaction with their husbands

Even if their husbands don’t cheat on them, some housewives have dissatisfaction with their husbands such as being sexless or lack of affection.

Also, Japanese husbands tend not to be supportive of housework and childcare and there is frustration to their husbands.

At that time, if they find an attractive man, they could possibly end up cheating.

Trigger of housewife cheating

Now you could wonder triggers of Japanese people cheating.

Based on research (by 300 Japanese married women who had experienced cheating aged 30-49 in 2016) by a detective agency MR the trigger of cheating is as follows.

Trigger of cheatingpercentage
Job-related relationship53%
Introduced acquaintance8%

The most trigger of cheating is job-related relationships such as colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and business partners.

Reference: http://prnavi.jp/pr/others/20160801/54966/

I’d like to share the typical triggers of Japanese housewife cheating.

Start a new job

Being a housewife, there is a limited opportunity to see an adult opposite sex, however, once they start such as a new part-time job, there could be a lot of chances to see attractive men which lead to extra relationship.

Start a new lessen

A lot of Japanese housewives have free daytime when their husbands are at work and their kids are at kindergarten/school and some of them start new lessen such as cooking, calligraphy, English, or sports.

Through those events, they start to meet a new people including attractive men (some are instructors and some are the same lessen students) and this could be a trigger of starting extra relationships.

Join a class reunion event

When housewives attend class reunion events, they meet many old classmates including ex-boyfriends. The environment is out of an ordinary event and they could possibly have a passion of love which they didn’t have for a long period after their marriage and this could lead to an extra relationship.

If you are concerned about Japanese women who seek men, please refer to the below article.

Signs of their cheating

There are certain signs of their cheating such as the following and you can detect whether your wife currently cheat.

Buy new clothes and underwear

When housewives start a new relationship, they have a sense of themselves becoming a bachelor ladies again and they start to buy new clothes and underwear.

The reason for buying those is to attract an affair partner more and be treated as a lady by him.

Frequently go out

Cheating wives, frequently go outside to meet an affair partner and if you check your wife’s routine and she often goes out more than her routine time, you could possibly doubt her cheating.

Always carry their phone with them

If the wives start to cheat they always carry their phone with them all the time.

For cheating wives, phones are the only tool to keep contacting with an affair partner.

and if your partner starts to keep watching her phone all the time, you could possibly doubt her cheating.

Countermeasure for their affair

If you notice your wife cheating, you should gather evidence of cheating as much as possible in either case of continuing the relationship or breaking up with her because she could deny her illicit behaviour if you try to check.

If you wish to get divorced or charge her compensation, you need to collect evidence of her adultery such as the following.

  • The receipt of love hotel (hotel for couples for short stays)
  • A photo of her and an affair partner entering a love hotel or his house

It is quite difficult to collect the above evidence such as sneakily following their dating or stakeout, so hiring a detective could be a choice.

How to stop her from cheating

If you really love your current wife and wish her not to cheat, you can consider the following ways to keep a good relationship.

Improve yourself as a man

You need to keep improving yourself as a man which is the same as when you were a bachelor paying attention to your body shape or removing nose hair, etc.

Even though you are busy working every day, keeping a minimum of beauty could be important to continue a good relationship with her.

Show gratitude for housework and childcare

If your wife is a housewife, please don’t consider her daily housework and childcare as her usual chore. If you outsource cooking, cleaning your house, etc. you need to charge for those and show gratitude to your wife who takes care of those free of charge.

You don’t need to exaggerate but just telling “Thank you for the food. It was tasty” or “Thanks for hanging out the laundry”.

Increase communication and physical contact with your wife

One of the reasons for your wife cheating could be sexless, so it is important to at least to keep communication and physical contact even though you are busy at work.


In this article, I introduced about Japanese housewife affair and hope you will understand what your housewife thinking through her cheating behaviours and counter it.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.

Would you like to seek a genuine Japanese partner? If so, “JapanCupid” could be the choice. Please refer to the below article for more information.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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