Japanese women who seek men

Japanese people

You might find that Japanese women are relatively quiet than other foreign ladies, and have an image that they are hardworking at home and at work, and some of you possibly wish to approach Japanese women, but you may be concerned about Japanese women’s tendency towards love relationships.

In this article, I cover the following matters.

  • The relationship status of unmarried women
  • The reason young Japanese women are single
  • Japanese women’s way of thinking, who wants to have a partner
  • How Japanese women seek men

After reading it, I hope you will understand how Japanese women act to make lovers and their psychological thinking towards love and you can consider how to approach them.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand the overall Japanese way of thinking.

The relationship status of unmarried women

First of all, I’d like to share the relationship status of unmarried women in Japan.

The below research is done by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and 7,826 unmarried people were surveyed in 2021.

”The ratio of unmarried single men/women (not in a relationship) aged 18-34 in 2021”


The data tells that if you meet unmarried Japanese women aged 18-34, 64.2% of them are single.

Furthermore, the percentage has increased compared with 2015 (59.1%) and 2010 (49.5%) in the same survey.

Recent young people tend not to be in a relationship and this is getting normal.

The reason young Japanese women are single

The possible reasons why young women tend not to have a lover are as follows.

Do not try to meet new people

Modern Japanese young people tend not to go out and meet new people and rather love enjoying on SNS (Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and watching videos through YouTube, Netflix, etc.

Some of them wish to have a partner, but the opportunity of meeting new people is limited because of this life style and as a result, the number of single ladies is increased.

Not understanding what type of partner is suited

A lot of women who have never been in a relationship don’t know what kind of partner is suited for them and never imagined it.

Once they have experience being in a relationship, they themselves know their preference and take action quickly to find a new partner, but many of them are not even in the position (many of them never been in a relationship before).

Busy at working

Some Japanese women are busy working and don’t have time to have lovers.

According to Doda, a Japanese famous recruitment company website (15,000 Japanese business people are surveyed), the monthly average overtime work in Japan is 22 hours.

22 hours per month means approximately 1 hour of overtime work per day.

Reference: https://doda.jp/guide/zangyo/

This is just an average there are a lot of overworking industries such as producer/director/planner for publishing, advertising, web or film (37.1 hours monthly overtime work) or business consultant (37.1 hours monthly overtime work).

If they engage in those industries, they don’t have much chance to seek a new partner.

Japanese women’s way of thinking, who wants to have a partner

I explained several reasons why Japanese women don’t have a lover, but I’d like to tell what they are thinking internally.

They seek stimulation

Some Japanese women feel bored without having a partner and seek stimulation in their daily life.

Especially, many working women do are go to work and come back home every day, so they feel fresh and get nervous and excited about being in love.

They feel the rush to make lovers when particular events get closer

In Japan, we Japanese people consider Christmas Eve (24 December) and Valentine’s Day (14 February) to be the days couples spend time together and it is a little lame being single on those days.

Some Japanese girls seek men to be in a relationship before the above two events.

If you want to date Japanese girls in Japan before the above events could be a good timing to approach them.

They feel upset when their friends have a partner

Many Japanese women feel upset and jealous when their friends or surroundings have a partner and they also feel to have one.

It could be part of the collectivistic culture and Japanese people hope to be in a similar environment (outfit, the way communicate or relationship status) with other surroundings and often compare themselves with other Japanese and feel superior or inferior, so if they don’t have a lover, they feel inferiority when comparing other friends who have partners.

How Japanese women seek men

You now understand how Japanese single women think about love relationships.

Then I’d like to share how to seek a new partner.

Matching app

After the Coronavirus pandemic, matching apps to meet a partner in Japan have been developed dramatically since there were a lot of Japanese people who want to avoid face-to-face meetings.

Through the app they find a new person, meet online and become in a relationship.

Introduced by friends

In my opinion, Japanese people are rather conservative and feel trust and safe if they date a person who is introduced by friends.

(There is also the case being introduced by parents.)

I also introduced one of my friends at university to my wife’s friend and they ended up being married recently.

If you want Japanese women to be introduced, you could possibly ask your Japanese friends to be introduced.

Start a new lesson

Through those events, they start to meet new people including attractive possible future partners (some are instructors and some are the same lessen students) and this could be a trigger for starting a relationship.

If you want to find a Japanese single woman, working at an English school in Japan could be one of the choices because a lot of them wish to study a foreign language in their spare time as well.


In this article, I introduced how Japanese women seek men and what their thinking is and I hope this article can help you if you want to approach attractive Japanese ladies.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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