Lonely Japanese housewife

Japanese people

If you have a Japanese friend who is a housewife and she seems not happy recently, how could you support or encourage her.

Or if you have a Japanese wife who is a housewife in your country and she seems not well recently and is feeling lonely, you could wonder what are the reasons and how you support her.

Japanese women tend to be hardworking at home doing housework and childcare and at the same time they are not good at claiming their desire or make a complaint (this is a Japanese cultural reason of not expressing their opinion well) and just be stressed out.

In this article, I will cover the following matters.

  • The ratio of housewife in Japan
  • The reason Japanese wives are lonely
  • How to deal with their loneliness

After reading it, I hope you will understand the tendency of lonely Japanese wife and how to support her.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand the overall Japanese people’s way of thinking.

The ratio of housewife in Japan

Based on the poll done by the ministry in Japan, the percentage of the housewife is 31% whereas the working wife is 69% in 2021.

It has dropped dramatically since 1980 when the percentage of housewives was 64%.

Reference: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/05-Shingikai-11201000-Roudoukijunkyoku-Soumuka/0000118655.pdf

Nowadays, the number of housewives is decreased to a minority, and a lot of them could be isolated because many of their friends such as old class mates choose to work after marriage.

The reason Japanese wives are lonely

As I told the number of housewives is decreased and less likely to find similar ages housewives friends.

Other than that, there are several more reasons why they can easily be lonely such as follows.

The same routine everyday

Japanese housewives have almost the same routine of housework and childcare such as preparing each meal, collecting garbage, washing dishes, using laundry, etc. alone every day and they feel monotonous and unsatisfactory.

Move out to an unfamiliar place after marriage

After getting married, most of the wives move out to an unfamiliar place which is away from their family or old friends.

If it is an international marriage, it is not easy to go back to their hometown and some of them could feel isolated.

There is nothing to do day time

During the daytime, their husbands are at work and their kids are in kindergarten/school and there is the timing that all the housework is finished. If there is nothing to be interested in free time, they have nothing to do and just search on the Internet or watch TV or video and some of them could feel lonely.

Other people don’t understand housewives feeling

Housewives’ daily chores of making meals, washing dishes, helping their kids eat, etc. are thought to be easy tasks by their husbands or surroundings in Japan and their wives feel that no one even shows gratitude for their hard work and feel sad.

Especially when their kids are little, the wives must take care of them everything (feeding, bathing, letting them sleep, etc.) almost 24 hours and do daily housework at the same time, it is really hard work for them.

Feel away from society

Many housewives don’t work even part time and some of them could feel away from society.

If they have little kids and spend most of their time raising them, they feel somehow a sense of contribution to something but if they don’t have kids or their kids are grown up already, there seems nobody needs them and they could feel sad and lonely.

How to deal with their loneliness

You now understand that there are a lot of reasons housewives could feel lonely by most of the time spending at home and wonder how to deal with the loneliness.

I will introduce some of the solutions for that and you could possibly suggest them.

Work part-time

They could consider working part-time such as morning time of weekdays or 1hour per week only.

Just a little job is fine and they could gradually feel the sense of contributing to something (or sense of living in a society) and feel different compared with just being a housewife.

Be lazy sometimes

Usually, housewives don’t have any holiday and even on Saturday and Sunday they must engage in housework and childcare for 365 days per year, but once let their husbands or kids do those chores one day or even only several hours.

Then their husbands or kids could understand how hard they are doing every day.

Make housewife friends

Actually having housewife friends are important to share each other similar hardship and empathise with each other.

They possibly can attend kindergarten/school activities which parents can join to make friends if they have kids.

Start a new lessen

For their start new lessen such as cooking, calligraphy, English, or sports.

Through those events, they start to meet a new people and possible future friends (some are the same lessen students and some could be an instructor) 


In this article, I introduced the reason of Japanese housewife’s loneliness and countermeasures for that.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.

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