Real Japanese wives (secrets they hide)

Japanese people

If you have a Japanese wife (or a girlfriend), you might wonder whether she has some secrets which she never shares with you.

Especially, if she is sometimes strange such as texting somebody else frequently or going out somewhere often which you don’t know, you could wonder if she has any secrets.

Most Japanese people are lovely not complain about what other people do and work hard at home such as housework or childcare and you possibly really want to know the real characteristics of her.

In this article, I will cover the following.

  • Real Japanese wives
  • What kind of secret do they have
  • Countermeasure if your wife is currently cheating

After reading it, I hope you will understand overall Japanese wives’ secrets and possibly reconsider a relationship with her.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand the overall Japanese way of thinking.

Real Japanese wives

Japanese ladies tend not to tell their opinions well and they are rather understanding of other people’s suggestions, ideas, or opinions.
This is because of Japanese people’s tendency to a collectivistic culture (understanding situations is more important rather than expressing themselves in Japan).

However, at the same time some of them are hiding a lot of truths about themselves to their husbands or surroundings and I’d like to share some of those.

What kind of secret they have

According to a survey of 725 Japanese housewives aged 10s to more than 60s in 2023 done by a company called “Plan-B” web publishing company, 70% of them have a secret which they cannot tell anyone.

The contents of their secrets to their surroundings and husbands are as follows.

What kind of secretspercentage
Opposite sex13%
Past experience12%
Current activity11%
Inside their mind6%

Money-related matters such as assets or debt are the most hidden by them according to the survey.


Money related secrets

A total of 213 people answered that they have the secret of money.

Some of them have deposits, income or assets which they cannot tell anyone such as follows.

-I have a lot of deposits which I earned when I was single. (aged 30s)

-I work at sex-related business and earn income.(aged 30s)

-I own an apartment which is different from where we are living.(aged 50s)

Some of them have a secret of debt.

-I ask my husband to use less money, but I myself have the loan of an esthetic salon. (aged 30s)

-I paid too much for gaming app and had debt (aged 30s)

Opposite sex-related secrets

Some of them have secrets related to opposite sex such as follows.

-I still take contact with the person whom I dated in the past. (aged 20s)

-I am communicating with a lot of men through dating app. (aged 30s)

-I am currently dating a job-related person because I am stressed out too much about my husband at home. (aged 30s)

-There is no physical contact with my husband, so I am currently cheating on him. (aged 40s)

Past experience secret

Some of them have past experiences which they cannot share.

-I used to be a naughty girl and the way of speaking is sometimes rough, but I don’t show it to my husband. (30s)

-I committed to paid dating when I was a student and had a lot of inappropriate relationships. (20s)

Current activity secret

Some of them have secrets about their current behaviours.

-My husband is busy working and comes home late, so I sometimes have rich dinner with my kids outside before he comes back. (aged 30s)

-Using a secret account on Twitter, I speak ill of my husband and people around the world except him knows about this. (aged 30s)

-I sometimes smoke. (aged 20s)

Secrets about themselves

Some of them have secrets about themselves.

-I am crazy about an idol group and I spend a lot of money on the group. (aged 20s)

-l like reading boys love books and there is a collection of them in my phone. (aged 30s)

Secrets inside their hearts

Some of them hold their feelings inside their heart.

-I am thinking about getting divorced, so I keep refusing to make a second child even if he suggests. (aged 40s)

-I secretly prepare to divorce, and I recently found evidence of my husband cheating. (aged 30s)


Countermeasure if your wife is currently cheating

Small secrets such as making a secret account or smoking, you could possibly forgive, but if your wife is currently cheating on you, could you forgive her?

If you notice your wife cheating, you should gather evidence of cheating as much as possible in either case of continuing the relationship or breaking up with her because she could deny her illicit behaviour if you try to check.

If you wish to get divorced or charge her compensation, you need to collect evidence of her adultery such as the following.

  • The receipt of love hotel (hotel for couples for short stays)
  • A photo of her and an affair partner entering a love hotel or his house

It is quite difficult to collect the above evidence such as sneakily following their dating or stakeout, so hiring a detective could be a choice.


In this article, I introduced the secrets Japanese wives hide, and hope you understand their true way of thinking.

Of course there are a lot of lovely ladies who don’t have negative secret and I just explained examples in the article.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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