Unsatisfied Japanese wife

Japanese people

If you have a Japanese wife, are you currently have a good relationship with her?

Is your wife possibly not well or does she seem not satisfied about anything recently and you possibly don’t know the reason?

Culturally Japanese people tend not to tell their opinion well even though they are frustrated about something and your wife possibly are unsatisfied with your current relationship and hide the emotion

and she possibly considers divorcing or finding another attractive man.

In this article I will cover the following matters.

  • The ratio of unsatisfied wives in Japan
  • The ratio of cheating women in Japan
  • The reason why Japanese wives are not satisfied
  • How to improve the relationship with her

After reading it I hope you will understand the situation of unsatisfied Japanese wives and hope you will improve the relationship with her.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand overall Japanese culture.

The ratio of unsatisfied wives in Japan

First of all let’a check the ratio of unsatisfied wives in Japan.

Based on the poll of 2,060 Japanese people done by Recruit famous Japanese recruiting company in 2021, 66.7% of Japanese wives are currently satisfied with the relationship with their husbands and the rest 33.3% of them are not and it means one-third of Japanese wives are not satisfied with current relationship and nevertheless keep the marriage.

Reference: https://www.recruit.co.jp/newsroom/pressrelease/assets/20210803_marriage_01.pdf

The ratio of cheating women in Japan

You might wonder the ratio of cheating wives in Japan as well.

Based on the poll done by Japan sex survey (Questionnaires were answered by 5,029 people in 2020), 46.3% of Japanese women had experienced cheating on their lovers or spouses (having intercourse with affair partners).

In contrast, 57.9% of Japanese men have that experience.

I am afraid the percentage includes single women and working women, but you might feel surprised to see the percentage.

Reference: https://www.jfpa.or.jp/pdf/sexservey2020/JexSexSurvey_all.pdf

The reason why Japanese wives are not satisfied

You now know that one-third of Japanese wives are not satisfied with their current marital relationship and 46.7% of women had experienced cheating and I’d like to share possible reasons of those as follows.

Husbands are busy at work in Japan

Men tend to work overly in Japan compared with other countries’ men and a lot of them cannot have enough time to communicate or contact physically with their wives.

Based on research by OECD in 2020, an international comparison of aged 15-64 male, Japanese man has the longest paid labour time which is 452 min (7 hours 32 min) per day on average.
It is around 2 hours longer than the average time among OECD countries.

If the husbands are exhausted from coming home and don’t talk anything, most wives could be frustrated and have unsatisfied relationships with their husbands.

Reference: https://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/whitepaper/r02/zentai/html/column/clm_01.html#:~:text=OECD

Japanese wives concentrate on housework/childcare

Japanese wives usually concentrate on housework/childcare.

This could be because traditionally Japanese husbands worked hard and wives became housewives and had responsibility for housework/childcare and they saw their mother do those house chores when they were young, so many Japanese people stereotypically think that those work are done by ladies.

It used to be no problem because most married women became housewives however the number of housewives dropped recently and many are continue working after marriage.

Based on the poll done by the ministry in Japan, the percentage of the housewife is 31% whereas the working wife is 69% in 2021.
It has dropped dramatically since 1980 when the percentage of housewives was 64%.

Many wives are busy working and doing house chores at the same time and they could possibly be frustrated with their husbands who are not much supportive to the housework/childcare.

Japanese people are culturally not good at telling their opinion and just possibly try to bear this hardship of multi-tasks.

Reference: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/05-Shingikai-11201000-Roudoukijunkyoku-Soumuka/0000118655.pdf

Husbands are not attractive anymore

Some wives consider that their husbands are no longer attractive.

After getting married, the wives always see the negative part of their husbands because they are living together and the husbands don’t much care about their fashion or their looks after marriage.

How to improve the relationship with her

If you really love your current wife and wish to keep good relationship, you can consider the following ways to keep a good relationship.

Improve yourself as a man

You need to keep improving yourself as a man which is the same as when you were a bachelor paying attention to your body shape or removing nose hair, etc. 

Even though you are busy working every day, keeping a minimum of beauty could be important to continue a good relationship with her.

Show gratitude for housework and childcare

If your wife is a housewife, please don’t consider her daily housework and childcare as her usual chore. If you outsource cooking, cleaning your house, etc. you need to charge for those and show gratitude to your wife who takes care of those free of charge.

You don’t need to exaggerate but just telling “Thank you for the food. It was tasty” or “Thanks for hanging out the laundry” is fine.

Increase communication and physical contact with your wife

One of the reasons for your wife unsatisfied could be sexless, so it is important to at least to keep communication and physical contact even though you are busy at work.


In this article I introduced Japanese unsatisfied wives and I hope you will overall understand the way they think and try to improve the relationship with them.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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