Why is your Japanese girlfriend cheating

Japanese people

You possibly could have a positive impression towards Japanese girls who sensitively care about you and frequently show smiles on you and it seems one of the best choices to have a Japanese girlfriend.

However, if you actually have a Japanese girlfriend, you could sometimes be puzzled what on earth is she thinking.

Japanese ladies tend not to tell their opinions well and they are rather understanding of other people’s suggestions, ideas, or opinions.

Especially, if you have a Japanese girlfriend and she cheats on you, it could be difficult to find signs of her cheating and find reasons.

In this article, I cover the following matters

  • The ratio of cheating in Japan
  • The reason Japanese girls cheat
  • Signs of their cheating
  • If you find your girlfriend cheating

After reading it, you will overall understand the Japanese girls cheating tendency on their boyfriends and find solutions for it.


Hi, I am Hiro from Tokyo and I was born and raised here and well understand the overall Japanese way of thinking.

The ratio of cheating in Japan

Based on the poll done by Japan sex survey (Questionnaires were answered by 5,029 people in 2020), 46.3% of Japanese women had experienced cheating on their lovers or spouses (having intercourse with affair partners).

In contrast, 57.9% of Japanese men have that experience.

I am afraid the percentage includes married women, but you might feel surprised to see the percentage.

Reference: https://www.jfpa.or.jp/pdf/sexservey2020/JexSexSurvey_all.pdf

The reason Japanese girls cheat

The number of cheating is high in Japan and you might be concerned about the reasons.

As a premise, men tend to cheat on partners by their instinct, but women tend to cheat by their rational decision.

They understand that cheating is morally wrong behaviour, but they make such bad decisions before cheating and the reasons could be as follows.

Don’t have much affection to current boyfriends

Some ladies gradually see the negative parts of their boyfriends and start to have less affection to them.

It could be a stage of looking for another partner and ending up cheating on a current boyfriend and some of them even don’t have any guilty about cheating.

Feel lonely

Some of them really love their current boyfriends but the boyfriends are busy at working or doing some activity and do not have much chance to see each other, and they end up cheating to cover their loneliness.

Some girls were disappointed or felt more lonely when their boyfriends forgot their important dates such as a birthday or an anniversary, or prioritised being together with their friends rather than dating and making a decision to cheat on their current boyfriend.

Couldn’t refuse other boys’ invitation

Some of them couldn’t refuse men’s flirting if the men are good-looking or somehow attractive, but the ladies tend to make rational decisions before cheating, so a lot of them could refuse it.

However, if the women are already disappointed by their current boyfriends, they could accept other men’s invitations thinking rather it’s a good chance.

Signs of their cheating

There are several signs when Japanese girls are cheating such as follows.

Preference of food or clothes changed

If the preference for food, fashion or clothes has been changed, this could be a sign of them cheating.

Some Japanese girls often change the style of hair or clothes to match to a dating man’s preference, and if your girlfriend’s impression has suddenly changed, you can possibly doubt her cheating.

Also, preference of food is easily affected by a dating man.

If your girlfriend suddenly starts to love eating Thai food (Padthai, Khaomankai, etc.), you could possibly doubt her cheating with a Thai person.

(No offence to Thai people, I personal love Thai food so I just picked an example.)

Avoid physical contact

If the opportunity for physical contact such as holding hands, kissing, etc. is decreased or your girlfriends started to dislike those, it could be a sign of her cheating.

You might have an image of many girls loving physical contact, but to attractive men only, so if your girlfriends don’t think you are attractive anymore, she could start rejecting you and showing interest to another man.

Often go out with girls

Japanese girls often tell current boyfriends that they go out with other girls but the truth is that they could be meeting cheating partners.

If your girlfriend recently has a lot of opportunities of going out with her friends, you could possibly doubt her meeting with an affair partner.

A lot of men feel safe if their girlfriends go out with other girls, but it could be a good excuse for them to hide cheating.

Don’t show the smartphone’s screen

Cheating girls never show the screen of their smartphones to their boyfriends.

When you start dating your current girlfriend, she could possibly show a lot of funny photos on her smartphone but when she stops showing anything inside the phone or start locking it, it could be a sign of cheating.

It could be a big trouble to receive a message from an affair partner and pop up the message on the screen when showing something on her smartphone, so she definitely hesitates to show the screen if she is cheating.

If you find your girlfriend cheating

If you find your girlfriend cheating, (e.g. you found your girlfriend spending time together with an affair partner or your girlfriend confessed she was cheating) what could be done as a possible solution?

Have discussion calmly

Firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly check and sort out her actual relationship to decide whether to continue being in a relationship with her or not.

You should never be emotional when asking the truth even though you probably be upset and disappointed to know about the truth.

If you are emotional being sad or angry at her, you possibly cannot sort out the truth and cannot make the right judgement whether to continue your relationship with her or not and just regret and be uneasy in the end.

If there is no regret about her behaviour

If there is no regret or feeling sorry about her behaviour, you can consider breaking up with her.

Whether she has a sense of guilty or not is an important factor to continue the relationship or not.

Otherwise, she could have enough possibility to cheat on you again in the future.

If you break up your current girlfriend and look for a new Japanese partner, “JapanCupid” could be a choice. Please refer to below article for more information.

Tell not to meet the affair partner ever again

You should tell her not to meet the affair partner ever again.

If she really regrets and feels sorry about her behaviour you can consider together what could be the best solution not to happen again.


In this article, I introduced why your Japanese girlfriend cheats and hope you understand her possible true way of thinking towards cheating.

I hope you find your best solution to continue relationship with her or breakup.

Thank you for reading this article till the end.

If you breakup with your current girlfriend and look for an international partner, “eHarmony” could be a choice as well. Please refer to the below article.


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Welcome to my website.
I am Hiro from Tokyo, Japan, born and raised here.
I have working experience in Japanese companies (logistics and manufacturing) as an international sales for almost 10 years.
I have experience of living in NZ for 1 year & China (HK & Shanghai) for 2 years.
I'd like to introduce distinctive Japanese culture

Japanese people
ヒロの楽しい語学漬け Japanese Salaryman Hiro

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